Q: 69 years old PSA Total 4.41, PSA FREE 0.99 and Relation PSA FREE/TOTAL 22%, I have an enlarged prostate, am I concerned?

Question: Hi, I am 69 years old. I made a PSA test yesterday. The values are the following: PSA Total 4.41, PSA FREE 0.99 and Relation PSA FREE/TOTAL 22%.
Question: I am concerned because of the value is higher than 4 and I do not understand the value 22%. I have an enlarged prostate. Thanks in advance.


By taking into account the TPSA, FPSA, PSA Ratio, Age, rectal enlargement, we can deduce the High Grade Prostate Cancer Risk which about 2.7% and Prostate Cancer Risk is about 6.7%.

prostatitis is the most common reason for enlarged prostate other than the cancer, other benign reasons including acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, and chronic prostatitis.

prostate  cancer risk 2.7
Did you know what is Free PSA?

Dr.Megan Ralf

A Medical laboratory Scientist who devoted his life to medical and laboratory sciences, writes his everyday expertise dealing with various pathological conditions through laboratory diagnosis of different body fluids, also participating in many workshops for first aids, infection control, and urgent care. Also Dr Megan Ralf coaching many medical teams.

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