HCG Levels Twins (hCG levels chart for twins at weeks 3,4,5,6,7,8,10)

Next is the Signs You’re Having twins by a blood test called “Serum beta subunit hCG quantitative“.
Having twins? Beta hCG Levels Twins Chart Exclusively explained for pregnant women.
HCG levels is a Good sign to expect if you’re having twins, triplet, or any multiplet.
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Hormone (hCG) is a unique pregnancy hormone. It is the hormone which is detected early in the blood and/or urine of a woman who is pregnant.
Next is valuable detailed data to help you calculate hcg levels for twins.
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Chances of having twins Pregnancy come from:
• Increased likelihood of having more than one child when taking fertility treatment, such as in in vitro fertilization (IVF).
• Older Women which have hormonal changes lead to releasing more than one egg at a time.
• Family history, certain lifestyle, and specific locations; are all proposed to have more chances of having multiple pregnancy.
We can expect having twins by interpretation of HCG levels reported in the below Singleton, Twins, triplet hormone charts
Just take a serum quantitate hCG test, follow my explanation, then you have your own B-HCG levels calculator
Interpretations are based on:
• Gestational weeks, e.g. 3 weeks after beginning of menses = 3 weeks from last menstrual period (LMP) = 1 week after ovulation (DPO) = 1 week before period is due, in a standard 28-day cycle period.
• Women have more or less period length must look for their hCG values in the tables.
• HCG Triplet Pregnancy chart has less hCG values than twins chart which clearly is due to low number of women reported their hCG test result in this study.
• Also the results in the tables can be applied to either high hcg levels after ivf and normal hcg levels for ivf pregnancy. How to calculate Ovulation by yourself?

What signs you’re having twins?

What does it mean when your hcg levels are high, does it means you’re having twins, may be yes, maybe not, just compare your results with values reported in the tables and read my interpretation to know how to expect your pregnancy as close as possible?
Signs of twins including:

  1. Doubling of pregnancy hormone: pregnancy hormone levels (HCG) doubling is an average that is not correct for every woman.
  2. HCG level should rise by at least 60% in 48 hours, or rapidly increasing hCG levels can be a good sign but not accurate as well, also the molar pregnancy can be mistaken too.
  3. A study said: you are more likely to have twins if your hcg was 600 or higher at 16dpo. But It’s correlated with multiples pregnancy not definitive.
  4. In the tables below: women who are having a multiple pregnancy, twins pregnancy or more it is common for their hCG levels to be 30-50% higher than those with a singleton pregnancy.
  5. Helpful interpretation: False HCG Results and HCG for Ectopic,

Continue with explaining hCG levels week by week for better understanding how can HCG indicate twins?
bhcg level chart twins
hCG level at 3 weeks with twins
3 weeks LMP corresponding to 1 week Post Ovulation or 7 Days past ovulation.
Early hCG levels for twins can’t be expected after 3 weeks LMP that’s because:
Low number of women reporting hCG results at this early stage.
Low average hormone levels for both singlet and multiplet pregnancy.
Many women don’t even know that they preggo.

hCG level at 4 weeks with twins

For better calculation: in standard 28 days cycle 4 weeks LMP corresponding to 2 weeks Post Ovulation or 14 Days past ovulation.
Women have Singleton pregnancy show low hCG level to 9 miu/l
While the lowest Twins hCG level at 4 weeks LMP or 14DPO is 17 miu/l
Highest level of hCG during the 14DPO is 1666 miu/l for singleton
While the Highest hCG level after 14DPO or 4 weeks post LMP is 8270 miu/l
The Highest reported hCG values during 4 weeks twins pregnancy are higher 5 times then hCG values reported in the same period when the woman carry a single baby instead.
Also the 4 weeks’ average hCG levels is 129 miu/l for singleton, while twins average hCG value is 235 miu/l.
How to Expect Having Twins at 4 weeks LMP or 14 DPO?
Simply, if your hCG levels at 4 weeks is higher than 8000 miu/l then it’s likely you’r having twins, or if the levels are 5 times higher than your previous singleton baby.

Normal hCG levels twins at 5 weeks compared to Singleton

In standard 5 weeks LMP corresponding to 3 weeks Post Ovulation or 21 Days post ovulation.
The most lower normal hCG value after 5 weeks LMP/21 dpo is 61 miu/l during carring single baby, while hCG go as low as 106 if woman carry twins, which considered normal.
The highest value of hCG hormone after 21 days post ovulation is up to 19726 miu/l during singleton, while 20956 miu/l is the highest pregnancy hormone result for twins after the same period i.e. 5 weeks LMP/21 dpo.
The average hCG level for singleton is 1721, while average twins hCG value is 3446 miu/l.
Although, you can’t expect twins just because your hCG Blood test result is above the average i.e. 3400 at 5 weeks LMP, while hCG 20000 or higher at 5 weeks have the highest chance of having twins.
For instance: A woman B-HCG level at 4w 1d was 109.8 and at 4w 3d it rose to 190 but when rechecked at 5w 4d and hcg level had risen to 5,257.
HCG values usually start to peak after the week 5. Pregnancy Hormone test Explained

Normal 6 weeks hCG levels for twins compared to Singleton:

HCG levels at 6 weeks pregnant can be as low as 245 and could be up to 81000 miu/l at 6 weeks LMP/ 28DPO, which is the highest reported value for hCG hormone for singleton pregnancy in this study.
hcg levels for twins 6 weeks LMP/28DPO has the lowest value of 373 miu/l, while the highest hCG hormone value after 6 weeks gestation is 203398 miu/l for twins babies.
The Average pregnancy hormone test result after 6 weeks of gestational age is 11073 for singleton, and 23323 miu/l for twins.
What does this mean?
You’re having twins surely if your hCG level after 28 days post ovulation is more than 90000 miu/l, while more than the average hcg 23000 is not a sharp sign after 6 weeks.
By understanding the previous explanations, it is easy to expect hcg level at 7 weeks with twins, hcg levels at 8 weeks with twins, or HCG for 10 weeks pregnant with twins.
Recommend every women
Ask your Doctor to test your progesterone level or triple test for best pregnancy prognosis.
Schedule an early scan at 7 weeks.
Along with scan results, and you’ve got your hCG calculator, it’ll be easy to expect twins.
Just keep you away from stress and Calculate days carefully to get better results.
AMH levels can help in expecting Ovarian reserve, and IVF chances which may help reduce abortion, don’t miss.

HCG Levels Charts for Singleton and Multiples

Explaining the minimum and the maximum values seen after every day past ovulation, level ranges for singleton and multiples pregnancies are not widely different.

Table Chart for Singleton Pregnancies

Days Post Ovulation Median HCG Level Lowest normal HCG Level Reported Highest HCG Level Reported Number of women reporting this number in such a day
10 40 14 264 8
11 35 7 361 47
12 49 3 494 185
13 85 7 961 454
14 129 9 1666 920
15 191 4 2744 2030
16 284 9 3607 2611
17 409 9 10529 2836
18 588 19 12318 3028
19 854 24 14411 3039
20 1221 41 16860 2906
21 1721 61 19726 2653
22 2389 90 41000 2263
23 3254 134 42975 1932
24 4284 190 45047 1593
25 5464 250 47218 1295
26 6900 293 53920 1085
27 8601 268 66087 903
28 11073 245 81000 751
29 14082 224 131472 605
30 17250 205 233663 512

Table Chart for Twins HCG Levels

Days Post Ovulation Median hCG Level Lowest normal hCG Level Reported Highest HCG Level Reported Number of women reporting this number for this day
10 23 5 85 11
11 62 13 1443 45
12 86 13 2583 155
13 148 10 4622 305
14 235 17 8270 530
15 368 24 14798 1192
16 551 43 3138 1499
17 805 12 5367 1516
18 1159 40 9289 1573
19 1651 59 12979 1506
20 2375 77 13975 1322
21 3446 106 20956 1128
22 4736 152 27554 885
23 6558 107 36231 740
24 8689 138 47639 576
25 11334 177 62640 473
26 14287 227 82364 392
27 17951 291 108300 322
28 23323 374 203398 284
29 28552 480 394836 240
30 31158 995 189191 196

Chart for Triplets Pregnancies

Days Past
MedianHCG Level LowestHCG Level Reported HighestHCG Level Reported Number of women reporting a number for this day
10 72 10 72 2
11 84 4 530 10
12 134 10 856 29
13 200 23 623 54
14 308 54 971 106
15 460 122 2390 195
16 678 21 3654 242
17 1017 28 5586 250
18 1527 38 6418 244
19 2065 51 9067 215
20 2976 70 14500 188
21 4451 96 18092 152
22 6351 132 25556 123
23 8718 182 36100 96
24 12804 1092 51040 76
25 16121 2000 61936 45
26 18747 3019 55778 35
27 25171 3530 69516 33
28 31752 4129 86637 30
29 39315 5006 107976 25
30 47946 6070 124053 21

Have this interpretation helped you?

Dr.Megan Ralf

A Medical laboratory Scientist who devoted his life to medical and laboratory sciences, writes his everyday expertise dealing with various pathological conditions through laboratory diagnosis of different body fluids, also participating in many workshops for first aids, infection control, and urgent care. Also Dr Megan Ralf coaching many medical teams.

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