Real Vegan BLOOD TEST Results Explained
what’s up guys it’s Nicole a can to keep vegan and today I’m going to be sharing my vegan blood test results this is a really requested video after I showed some vitamin supplements...
How To Read and Understand Blood Test Results
what’s up guys it’s Nicole a can to keep vegan and today I’m going to be sharing my vegan blood test results this is a really requested video after I showed some vitamin supplements...
Definition|Diet Plan|Lab Work|Coffee It Works|Conclusion Definition What is a Keto Diet? Keto diet is the other name for “low carb diet, now you may recognize what does it meant by ketogenic diet. Also, nutritionists...
What is ketones? Ketones are end products of burning fatty-acids (fats) in the body, the medical term is (fatty acid metabolism). Ketone bodies in urine are Acetone, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyric acid. Ketones in the...
GFR word stands for Glomerular Filtration Rate and tells how well your kidneys are working? Most people who developed CKD they weren’t know at earlier time because the disease itself progress silently for long...