If the results show: high white blood cells count and high Platelets count, both are mildly elevated. The most common causes are Infection or inflammation.
In all ages of children and adults, the most common cause of an elevated platelet count and high white cell count is the infection somewhere in the body.
The type of white blood cell that elevated in these results is the lymphocyte cells.
Lymphocytes are kinds of white blood cells that circulate in the human blood and responsible for counter-attack invadors like viruses, bacteria, and toxins, thus lymohocytes are important memeber of human ummune system.
If your complete blood count test shows that your lymphocyte count is high, the test result might indicate an Infection (bacterial, viral, other).
Even the shown lymphocytes numbers are mildly elevated, it can be used as an early marker of cancer of the blood or lymphatic system.
However, An autoimmune disorder such as SLE, and MCTD may causing chronic inflammation and causes high white blood cells.

Possible infections that elevate PLT and Lymphocyte counts may include:
- viral infections, including measles, mumps, and mononucleosis.
- adenovirus.
- hepatitis.
- influenza.
- tuberculosis.
- toxoplasmosis.
- cytomegalovirus.
- brucellosis.
Blood tests that may be required after elevated WBC and platelets count
- MMR antibody screening test: it is a developed test to detect if there are antibodies against measles, mumps, and rubella viruses, hence its name MMR.
- EBV IgM, IgG tests: are two tests used for the detection of Epstein-Barr virus infection that causes Mononucleosis"the kissing disease".
- adenovirus antibodies and antigen test: that used for investigation of infection by adenovirus.
- TB Zn test for investigation of tuberculosis.
- TORCH antibodies tests: that used to investigate infection by (Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV virus, Herpes respectively)
- Sed Rate test: to follow-up the course of inflammation and the effect after treatment.
- CRP test: to detect acute phase inflammations, and may be used for distinguishing bacteria infection from other viral infections.
However, some viruses cause decreased lymphocyte count instead of elevation, the most common virus is COVID-19.
For proper medicine, you must revise a specialized doctor, follow for more answers.