Question: Hello, and thank you for letting me join. I've been in horrible shape for over 4 yrs now. Seen many doctors. Finally I saw a young doctor in my gps group, and she sent me to a Rheumatologist. He did a multitude of tests including an ANA panel. After the initial appt, and the Rheumatologist sending me for my bloodwork, I had to wait a month to be seen to discuss the results. That appointment lasted about 10 minutes, and that was the first time he was looking at the results himself. As I'm trying to ask questions he's standing up to walk out of the room. I had more questions to ask in one of them was the results of the tests I'm showing you.

Your results show Positive Anti-sm antibodies which means high probability of Systemic Lupus Erythromatosus SLE, Also results include high concentration of RNP antibodies which is consistent with a connective tissue disease (including SLE). in addition to Positive speckled ANA antibodies which usually indicate the presence of active SLE episode.
To conclude your results findings suppose you're under attack of SLE disease complications which need urgent and continuous follow-up with corticosteroids and medical testing panel. Other complications include anemia due to hemolysis of red blood cells, fever, and all-over body aches.
SLE is a systemic disease which mean it can cause pain in all over body, in other words the antibodies produced by SLE mechanisms inside the body will hurt almost all organs such as heart, brain, blood vessels, muscles, bones, lungs, and kidneys.