Question: Blood test 2 years ago my white blood cell count was 4.2 . Didn’t get my blood taken last year but a couple days ago had it taken and down to 3.8. Is that something to be worried about? It’s within range but borderline low. Something I should mention?
WBC stands for white blood cell, kind of blood cells that fight bacteria, viruses, parasites, as well as allergies.
The normal WBC range for adults is *4.1 - 11.0 10*3 cells/uL of blood, when your WBC count is within this two normal limits, it's said that you white blood cells count is normal or as expected for healthy people.
However, Normal WBC not just means you're completely safe and have no disease, because our body balance mechanisms trying to fight invaders without making too much noise,
Therefore, WBC may still within nominated limits even they currently in a war against some invasions, but when the WBC elevate it is understood that the invasion goes massive and harder for the body to tolerate and must get additional caring from the hospital.
Therefore any abnormal count of WBC means the body defense system become so busy and request help from doctors and healthcare staff.
Lower than 4.0 in adults referred as "Leucopenia" "flagged with L or A letter" and means there' a reason the White cells decreased in numbers or suppressed.

So, what can suppress White blood cells and obstacle or stop their function?
Bone marrow disorders: Multiple myeloma and aplastic anemia, in your case such diseases is omitted.
Some Treatment options such as "Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy".
Virus infection such as (COVID-19, Epstein-Barr virus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS)
Some infections by bacteria such as Typhoid.
What can decrease the number of White cells or prevent body from making them adequately?
If you have malnutrition and/or don't get enough of certain minerals and vitamins that needed to produce healthy white blood cells.
Some jobs include acts that causing low WBC such as who works in the radiological fields.
Drugs that may decrease WBC counts include anticonvulsants, antihistamine, antithyroid drugs, arsenicals, barbiturates, chemotherapeutic agents, diuretics and sulfonamides.
Antibiotics That decrease WBC include: Penicillins and other beta-lactam antibiotics have been previously associated with reductions in ANC/WBC resulting in neutropenia.
Some Autoimmune diseases can lower WBC
How to reverse low WBC?
To let the body corrects WBC on its own you must stop the actions and medications that lowering WBC especially if you're not further need them.
Enriching your diet to give the body its need to produce more white cells such as: fish, eggs, poultry, beef, milk, Greek yogurt and beans.
Addition of a multivitamin or supplement with vitamin B12 and folate can powerfully enhancing the white blood cells production as well.
A doctor may prescribe Growth factor therapy – Treatment derived from bone marrow that can stimulate white blood cell production.