/ / Repeated Kidney Infection Explained

Repeated Kidney Infection Explained

Q:2 kidney infections in a little over a month.?

I had no warning signs with either one. I woke up to weird smelling urine and a lot of blood in my urine. So I was expecting to have a UTI, but they said I had a really bad kidney infection. 

Took my antibiotics and thought it went away, and just got another one. Same thing no warning signs and ended up with a really bad kidney infection. I have never had a problem with UTIs ever in my life.

And I’m concerned because I now have had 2 really close together. Any ideas what could be going on. Not doing anything or taking anything different

Blood test for kidney function, stones, renal failure, and dehydration

A:A possible complication of acute pyelonephritis is chronic kidney disease. If the infection continues, the kidneys may be permanently damaged. Although rare, it's also possible for the infection to enter the bloodstream. This can result in a potentially deadly infection called sepsis.

What causes frequent kidney infections? Bacteria that enter your urinary tract through the tube that carries urine from your body (urethra) can multiply and travel to your kidneys. This is the most commoncause of kidney infections. Bacteria from an infection elsewhere in your body also can spread through your bloodstream to your kidneys.

Home remedies to avoid UTIs and improve kidney function.

  1. Drink lots of water. ...
  2. Drink cranberry juice. ...
  3. Avoid alcohol and coffee. ...
  4. Take probiotics. ...
  5. Get some vitamin C. ...
  6. Try parsley juice. ...
  7. Consume apples and apple juice. ...
  8. Take an Epsom salt bath.

They can also happen if people try to cure their bladder infections with home remedies, like drinking cranberry juice (no, this won't work). “Cranberry juice is not a treatment for a urinary tract infection

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