/ , / Normal Hemoglobin Levels For Pregnancy, Children, Male, and Female

Normal Hemoglobin Levels For Pregnancy, Children, Male, and Female

 Normal hemoglobin levels chart according to different ages and sex, physiological increase in normal hemoglobin limits is due to pregnancy and newborn.

Normal Hemoglobin levels for male:
Hemoglobin level is normal from 13.5-17.5 g/dl for adult men, males 12-18 years old have normal hemoglobin results between 12.1-16.6 g/dl.
Hemoglobin normal counts increase as the man grows.

Normal Hemoglobin levels for female:
For adult over 18 years old non-pregnant woman, hemoglobin is from 12.0 - 16.0 g/dl, teenager female under 18 years old have normal hemoglobin level between 12.1-15.3 g/dl.

Normal hemoglobin levels during pregnancy

ranges from 10 - 14 g/dl, normal hemoglobin levels in pregnancy 28 weeks is between 10 - 14 g/dl,
Hb values during first trimester ranges from 11.0-14.3 g/dl, during second trimester the hemoglobin levels is from 10.0-13.7 g/dl, hemoglobin level during the third trimester of pregnancy is between 9.8-13.7 g/dl

Notice gradual decrease in hemoglobin values with the fetus growth, that's because increased blood volume of the pregnant by 30% which makes relative low level of hemoglobin and iron deficiency during the pregnancy episode, so that iron supplementation may be needed.
Low hemoglobin levels during pregnancy is not a disease, it's a normal physiological change and need to follow up.

Recommendation: Normal glucose levels and iron levels during pregnancy usually is a part of pregnant follow up.
Normal hemoglobin levels for pediatric
Pediatrics is all ages under 18 years old (21 at US), a child or a kid is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty.

normal hemoglobin levels

Normal hemoglobin levels in children chart

Hemoglobin normal levels for 12-16 years old is 11.5-15.5 g/dl

Normal hemoglobin levels for toddlers
For age 2-6 years, normal hemoglobin levels is 11.0-14.0 g/dl
For age 1-2 years, normal hemoglobin level is 11.1-14.1 g/dl
For age 9-12 month, normal hemoglobin level is 10.5-12.9 g/dl
For age 3-9 months, normal hemoglobin level is 11.1-14.1 g/dl
A toddler in medical terms is a child between the ages of one and three.

Normal Hemoglobin levels for newborn:
For 1-week newborn baby, hemoglobin count is 13.4-19.8 g/dl
For 1-3 days’ neonate baby, hemoglobin count is 15.0-21.0 g/dl

Normal Hemoglobin levels at birth is from 14.0-23.7 g/dl
A newborn is an infant who is only hours, days, or up to a few weeks old. In medical contexts, newborn or neonate refers to an infant in the first 28 days after birth; the term applies to premature infants, post-mature infants, and full term infants.

Hemoglobin is a part of "complete blood count" test, low hemoglobin levels is called anemia.
Normal Red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels depend on the physiological changes during the life, above is the interpretation of recent updated hemoglobin levels charts.
Normal values in blood mean: the values represent the healthy state when found by laboratory tests.

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