/ / My cholesterol level is high, what does this means?

My cholesterol level is high, what does this means?

 Here are examples of medical analysis test results which brought to me by people who asked me to explain what does their blood work mean? And what is the next steps needed to be reassured about their cholesterol level in blood especially those suffering from cardiac problems as coronary arterial heart diseases in which cholesterol settle around blood vessel's inner walls and results in narrowing these blood vessels and lead to fast and short breath rate hence the heart asthma or clotting may be a high risk.

Patient results 1:
Cholesterol: 185 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 290 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol: 45 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol: 82 mg/dL
Cholesterol/HDL ratio: 4.11
Triglyceride/HDL ratio is 6.4

Patient lipid profile results 2:
My total Cholesterol is 248 mg/dl
Triglycerides is 229 mg/dl
HDL is 42 mg/dl
LDL is 160 mg/dl

Interpretation of two medical reports:
Cholesterol normal level in blood should not be more than 200 mg/dl but your triglyceride exceeded the normal value of healthy people which is 160 mg/dl, the HDL and LDL tests show how worse is your lipid content in the blood, we nned more HDL cholesterol lipoprotein which brings more health for your blood vessels but the more LDL cholesterol the more risk of artery diseases.

The above results tell that the patient TG/HDL ratio is high which the normal TG/HDL ratio must be between1 – 2, this means low HDL level in the blood corresponding to the high level of triglyceride.

However the good control level of HDL is between35 – 65, yours is 45 and this is fine, LDL level above 150 mg/dl is suspicious, yours is 82 and this is just ok.

Patient report 3:
Cholesterol: 300 mg/dL
Triglycerides: 215 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol: 75 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol: 182 mg/dL
Cholesterol/HDL ratio: 4.62
Triglyceride/HDL ratio is 3.3

Medical lab explanation of such results:
Cholesterol normal level is exceeded which is 180 mg/dl in healthy people, also high density lipoprotein goes out of control and Low density lipoprotein lies in the risk zone of heart disease, cardiovascular disease is suspected if not treated urgently.

Recommended to urgent treatment by a cardiovascular physician, other tests may be required as cardiac enzymes (CK, CK-MB, and Troponin I), CBC, rather than radiological examination as X-ray, cardiograph or Sonar (ultrasound examination on heart and blood valves)

Recommended to eating more foods high in safe fats diets as omega-3 fatty acids like "wild caught" salmon, (and other fish), free-range (cage-free) eggs, organic butter from grass-fed cows, walnuts (and other nuts), avocados, organic yogurt (without added sugars), organic peanut butter, hard cheeses like Parmesan, Gouda, or Feta, "cold pressed" 100% pure extra virgin olive oil, or virgin coconut oil, as well as the more fibrous foods the more healthy.

Recommended to have low-fat diet with multivitamins supplements and natural oils and lower intake of fast foods and French-fried food as well as cookies, crackers, cakes, pastries, candies, breads, loads of pasta, refined flour, lots of alcohol, soft drinks, and even large amounts of fruit juices.

Patient report 3:
Total cholesterol is 295 mg/dl
Triglycerides 121 mg/dl
HDL is 190 mg/dl
LDL 171 mg/dl

This results contain a suspicious numbers, if HDL was 190 mg/dl, the LDL proposed to be 81 mg/dl not 171, so It is recommended to repeat your blood test results with another blood sample or at another medical laboratory to be reassured of the valid results of your lipid level.

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