/ / Iron level blood - Answers on HealthTap

Iron level blood - Answers on HealthTap

What if you are unable to donate blood, how could I decrease the iron level of my blood through nutricion?What if you are unable to donate blood, how could I decrease the iron level of my blood through nutricion?


Women are often iron deficient during reproductive years. How do you know you have excess iron? What is your serum iron and ferritin level? You may not need to reduce you iron. It would be prudent to consult a doctor as it is not a do it yourself issue.
For good health - Have a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk and milk products, nuts, beans, legumes, lentils and small amounts of lean meats. Avoid saturated fats. Drink enough water daily, so that your urine is mostly colorless. Exercise at least 150 minutes/week and increase the intensity of exercise gradually. Do not use tobacco, alcohol, weed or street drugs in any form.
Practice safe sex, if you have sex.
Get HPV vaccine.

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