Q: My Anti-dsDNA was positive at 13 but my ANA test came back negative, What does that mean?

These are links to both pages of my recent blood work. Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to load images on here. I tried everything. my first ana test came…

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Q: PSA Total 10.04 PSA Free 12.2, 68 years man, what do PSA results mean?

Have got theses results: PSA ratio 1.2 ng/mLPSA Total 10.04 ng/mLPSA Free 12.2%68 year old What do PSA results mean? Answer: We will calculate your free/total PSA ratio, which equals…

Continue ReadingQ: PSA Total 10.04 PSA Free 12.2, 68 years man, what do PSA results mean?